
Vabljeni na MEDNARODNI LJUBLJANSKI FESTIVAL KRATKEGA FILMA! LISFF (Ljubljana International Short Film Festival) je trodnevni filmski val, na katerem se bo v Klubu Gromka predstavilo okrog 100 kratkih filmov različnih žanrov (igrani, animirani, dokumentarni in eksperimentalni filmi) iz približno 40 dežel celega sveta. Projekcija kratkih filmov bo vsak dan med 12. in 20. uro. Festival predstavlja neodvisno mednarodno produkcijo kratkih filmov in daje priložnost mladim filmskim ustvarjalcem, da se predstavijo širši publiki v Ljubljani in regiji.


You are kindly invited to LJUBLJANA INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL! LISFF will be a film wave which will last for three days and will took place at Klub Gromka, AKC Metelkova mesto. Around 100 short films of different genres (performing, animated, documentary and experimental films) from nearly 40 countries worldwide, made between 2004 – 2008, will be presented.

Projections of short films will be held every day from March 23rd till March 25th from 12.00 am till 20.00 pm. All films are subtitled in English. Festival introduces international independent production of short films and enables young film makers to present themselves to wider audiences in Ljubljana and the region.

LISFF was born from the current need for the development of film culture in the region as well as from the wish to continually increase presentations of short films in Ljubljana.

Free entrance

spored 23. marec

12:00 do 14:00

andrea bussmann_canada_5'_english dialogue
Father teaches his son a lesson_Oče sina nauči lekcijo.

A quiet man_Tihi mož
arantzazu gomez bayon_spain_12'_english subtitles
A colorful journey celebrating life, rituals, Spanish culture and the power of imagination_Barvito potovanje slavi življenje, rituale, špansko kulturo in moč domišljije.

The incident_Incident
myroslav slaboshpytskiy_ukraine_20'_english subtitles
An elderly forester had planned a peaceful day to enjoy a relaxing bath while waiting for her daughter’s visit_Starejši mož v gozdu načrtuje, da se bo v miru okopal, medtem ko čaka na hčerkin obisk.

If Your Son is a Director_Če bi bil tvoj sin režiser
darya yurkevich_belorussia_24'_english subtitles
Story about mother and her son film director_Zgodba o materi in njenem sinu, filmskem režiserju.

The Rug_Preproga
otilia babara_moldavia_6'_english subtitles
Two young fellows are looking for money to buy another bottle of vodka_Dva mladeniča iščeta denar, da bi si kupila steklenico vodke.

John and the dog_John in pes
andré marques_portugal_16'_english subtitles
Young Joao is always in trouble with the grown – ups _Mladi Joao je vedno v konfliktu z odraslimi.

marinella setti_UK_8'_english dialogue
A modern parable about conflict set in the cultural melting pot of London on a rush hour bus ride_Moderna parabola o konfliktu, postavljena v kulturni ‘melting pot’ na londonskem avtobusu.

melissa anastasi_australia_20'_english subtitles
Mira is a wild little girl desperate for her father’s love who is expressing himself only in his secret journal_Mira je divja deklica, ki išče očetovo ljubezen, medtem ko se je on sposoben izražati le v svojem skrivnem dnevniku.

14:00 do 16:00

Beyond Soccer_Več kot nogomet
halder gomes_brasil_22'_english subtitles
The most popular sport on Earth is much more than 22 men running after a ball_Najpopularnejši šport na svetu je veliko več kot 22 moških, ki tečejo za žogo.

Old man Peter_Stari mož Peter
ivan golovnev_russia_26'_english subtitles
Old man Peter Sengepov who lives in the depths of Siberian taiga is the last surviving Shaman of the Kazym river_Stari mož Peter, ki živi globoko v sibirski tajgi, je poslednji Šaman ob reki Kazym.

The Clinic_Klinika
tomasz wolski_poland_30'_english subtitles
Elderly patients of Krakow Hospital mix their joys, sorrows and illnesses_Ostareli pacienti v krakovski bolnišnici delijo z nami svoje radosti, skrbi in bolezni.

You wanted to make a film?_Si hotela narediti film?
gali weintraub_israel_25'_english subtitles
“I was born disabled. Zehava, a polio victim and Oren, a folk dancer, suggested I make a film about their dancing performance”_“Rodila sem se hendikepirana. Zehava z otroško paralizo in plesalec Oren sta predlagala, da naredim film o njiju.”

16:00 do 18:00

33 Seconds_33 Sekund
massimiliano davoli_italy_18'_english subtitles
Four characters. The same time for everyone, but yet, different perception of it_Štirje karakterji v istem času, različni pogledi nanj.

Boxing Paradise_Boxing Paradise
stefano quaglia_italy_15'_english dialogue
The film desribes moment called Boxing Paradise: a well dealt blow on the tip of the chin which causes a sense of loss and blackout_Film opisuje trenutek imenovan 'boxing paradise' – udarec v brado, ki povzroči omedlitev.

The wife_Žena
andrea zaccariello_italy_22'_english subtitles
A man and his beautiful wife celebrate anniversary_Mož in njegova lepa žena praznujeta obletnico.

Just young_Le mladi
tommaso agnese_italy_17'_english subtitles
A story about Marco, Laura, Chiara and Roberto_Zgodba o Marku, Lauri, Chiari in Robertu.

Red gold_Rdeče zlato
cesare fragnelli_italy_13'_english subtitles
Erika, who fled from Romania many years ago, leads her regular housewife routine life in Southern Italy _Erika, ki je pred mnogimi leti prišla iz Romunije, živi vsakdanje življenje gospodinje v Južni italiji.

18:00 do 20:00

Halid Bunić the Eternal_Večni Halid Bunić
damir nemir janeček_bih_33'_english sub._doc
Halid Bunić is about one great historic person. That is movie operator Halid Bunić_Film o veliki zgodovinski osebnosti - kino operaterju Halidu Buniću.

On / Off_On / Off
irena škorić_croatia_19'_english subtitles_experiment
The main idea of this film is to emphasize the activity and passivity of human life_Film o aktivnosti in pasivnosti človeškega življenja.

Once upon a time on graveyard_
Bilo je nekoč na pokopališču
damir nemir janeček_bih_3'_english sub._fiction
“Film about great issues such as love, passion, prohibition. This is my vision of erotics on film.”_“Film o ljubezni, strasti in prepovedi. To je moja vizija erotike filma.”

kirineos papadimatos_greece_5'_experiment
Lilly is not able to wake up from her nightmare_Lily se ne more zbuditi iz nočne more.

Two Sirens_Dve sireni
martin marzidovšek_slovenia_4'_english sub_fiction
A young fisherman in wish of enjoying with two nice women doesn't realise that he fell in a trap of two sirens with supernatural powers_Mladi ribič se v želji po uživanju z dvema lepoticama ne zaveda, da je padel v past dveh siren z nadnaravnimi močmi.

katarina o’hearn_serbia_6'_english subtitles_animation
Excitement, paranoia, chaos and fear of one actor_Vzhičenost, paranoja, kaos in strah nekega igralca.

ana radojičić_ivan todorovski_7'_experiment
A story about the girl and her confusion about growing up in the world that surrounds her_Zgodba o dekletu in njeni zmedenosti glede odraščanja v svetu, ki jo obdaja.

adnan mahinić_bih_2'_animation
Story about two cave man who got in conflict over a prey_Zgodba o dveh jamskih ljudeh, ki stopita v konflikt zaradi plena.

I don’t know when and I don’t know where – Sarajevo_
Ne vem kdaj in kje – Sarajevo
berin tuzlić_bih_4'_animation
Dedicated to all adults who deny children a happy childhood_Film je posvečen vsem odraslim, ki otrokom ne privoščijo srečnega otroštva.

igor mirković_croatia_20'_english subtitles_fiction
One man, two women and a big problem among them_Moški, dve ženski, velik problem.

20:00 do 22:00

veronica kedar_israel_28'_english subtitles_fiction
Haya is a bulimic girl that shoots herself every day in front of her bathroom mirror_Haya, dekle z bulimijo, se vsako jutro ustreli pred ogledalom.

alejandra levy_israel_11'_english subtitles_fiction
Betty lives in a rotten house failing apart and her attempts to make her parents to fix it are ignored_Betty živi v razpadajoči hiši. Starši ignorirajo njene poskuse, da bi jo popravila.

hadar morag_israel_18'_english subtitles_fiction
12 years old girl Mashda and 45 years old Amnon find solace in each other’s company where morals and desires intermingle uneasily_12-letna Mashda in 45-letni Amnon najdeta tolažbo v druženju, kjer se prepletajo morala in želje.

Take note_Zapiši
elite zexer_israel_17'_english subtitles_fiction
Anna, a new immigrant to Israel from Russia, serves as an unsuccessful army commander_Anna, priseljenka iz Rusije, neuspešno izpolnjuje vlogo vojaške poveljnice.

The Lake_Jezero
boaz lavie_israel_26'_english subtitles_fiction
After once again losing his job, Yoni turns in despair to his older brother, Sa'ar, whose source of income has been a mystery for years_Potem ko spet izgubi službo, se Yoni v obupu obrne na starejšega brata, katerega prihodki so že leta skrivnost.

spored 24. marec

12:00 do 14:00

hye jin kwon_usa_3'_english subtitles
Three stories about ordinary everyday people, one driven by anxiety, another by compulsion, a third by obsession_Tri zgodbe običajnih ljudi, ki jih vodi zaskrbljenost, sila in obsesija.

margaret cox_usa_14'_english subtitles
The ancients warn of something coming and a female voice rants in defense of a revolution_Starci opozarjajo na nekaj, kar prihaja, ženski glas pa vpije v obrambo revolucije.

Eden end_Raj
enrique baixeras_spain_10'_no dialogues
Smiling faces, happy families, breath – taking landscapes and towns_Nasmejani obrazi, srečne družine, dih jemajoče pokrajine in mesta.

W Infinity – synchronize_Neskončnost
takeshi inoue_japan_3'_no dialogues
We tend to believe that the time is continuous, but it is not true_Verjamemo, da je čas trajen, pa ni.

Common Places_Običajni prostori
roberto sánchez santos_mexico_5'_no dialogues
A look into apparently common places around_Pogled v vsakdanje prostore.

200000 Phantoms_200000 Fantomov
jean - gabriel périot_france_10'_no dialogues
Hiroshima 1914 – 2007_Hirošima 1914 – 2007.

Re: Commandments_Re: Zapovedi
guli silberstein_israel_5'_english dialogues
An apocalyptic Middle East horror rave party, revealing contradictions and pathologies of human myths and patterns of behavior_Apokaliptična Bližnjevzhodna rave zabava odkriva nasprotja in patologije človeških mitov in vzorcev obnašanja.

antti savela_sweden_1'_no dialogues
One man guitar show performance_Glasbena predstava moškega s kitaro.

Re - remake Workers are leaving the Factory_
Re - remake Delavci zapuščajo tovarno
christoph kolář_austria_3'_no dialogues
Workers are leaving the factory_Delavci zapuščajo tovarno.

alessandro brucini_italy_20'_english dialogues
Elektra, Agamemnon’s daughter, suffers the pain for father’s death_Elektra, Agamemnova hči, trpi zaradi očetove smrti.

petr janák_czech republic_4'_english subtitles
We believed that the soul is immortal, but it is not true_Verjeli smo, da je duša nesmrtna, toda ni.

irena gatej_czech republic_7'_english subtitles
Memories of peaceful picnic in nature is changed into nightmare dream or…_Spomini na miren piknik v naravi se spremenijo v nočno moro ali…

The Danaides’ Barrel_Diogenov sod
david guiraud_france_12'_no dialogues
In the desert a man is buried to his neck in the sand_Moški v puščavi, do vratu zakopan v pesek.

14:00 do 16:00

The day of Eva_Evin Dan
clara salgado_italy_16’_no dialogues_experiment
Eva’s days are silent_Evini dnevi so nemi.

Ladies room_Ženska toaleta
valentina ippolito_italy_12’_english dialogues_doc
Pictures of women’s life shot in the place where every man would like to have access at least once: the women facilities_Podobe iz ženskega življenja v prostoru, kamor bi si vsak moški vsaj enkrat želel vstopiti: ženska toaleta.

Where I was born_Kjer sem rojena
emma cianchi_italy_8’_no dialogues_experiment
White space, an empty and separate dimension_Beli prostor, prazna in oddaljena razsežnost.

alessandra cataleta_italy_2’_no dialogues_fiction
In a sandwich shop a girl is standing in a queue among clients_Dekle stoji v vsti v prodajalni s sendviči.

The retreat_Umik
elisabetta bernardini_italy_18'_english sub_fiction
Summer 1944 - Rosa’s dramatic coming of age, consumed by her first love_Poletje 1944 – Rozina polnoletnost in prva ljubezen.

The technology of the climb_Tehnologija vzpona
paola randi_italy_5'_no dialogues_experiment
An old lady with two shopping bags enters a building _Starejša gospa z dvema nakupovalnima vrečkama vstopi v stavbo.

Sunday afternoon_Nedeljsko popoldne
gaia adducchio_italy_13'_english subtitles_fiction
A young woman sits on a sofa in the middle of a lake singing an old lullaby_Mlajša ženska sedi na zofi sredi jezera in prepeva staro uspavanko.

Third Area_Tretje območje
cecilia donaggio_italy_6’_no dialogues_experiment
An ideal red line that the interpreter first follows and reaches and on which she dances till she becomes the same essence_Rdeča nit, ki ji sledi, jo doseže ter pleše v njenem ritmu dokler ne postaneta eno.

16:00 do 18:00

yasmine novak_israel_30'_english subtitles
As first suitor of Zohar arrives at her house, tomboy Zohar must deal with first signs of womanhood_Ko Zohar obišče prvi snubec, se mora razposajenka soočiti z ženskostjo.

jesús elorriaga_spain_14'_english subtitles
Miguel and Dani are waiting for a guy who is going to sell them some guns_Miguel in Dani čakata na moškega, ki jima bo prodal orožje.

Tea and Biscuits_Čaj in piškoti
chris klockner_uk_13'_english dialogues
Billy and Eva are two people who meet in the gap of time between life and death_Billy in Eva se srečata v praznini med življenjem in smrtjo.

Souvenir d’un Amour_Spomin neke ljubezni
janeth aguirre elizondo_mexico_4'_no dialogues
A woman needs to learn how to live with her memories_Ženska se mora naučiti živeti s svojimi spomini.

Under My Garden_Pod mojim vrtom
andrea lodovichetti_italy_18'_english subtitles
Marco, a 10 year old boy is convinced that his neighbour has killed his wife and has buried her under his garden_Marco, desetletni deček je prepričan, da je sosed ubil svojo ženo in jo pokopal na vrtu.

Free Taxi_Brezplačni taksi
simon sepulveda_mexico_20'_english subtitles
Five lonely characters joined by a taxi cab_Taksi združi pet osamljenih karakterjev.

mark chapman_uk_5'_english dialogues
Bittersweet drama focusing on a fleeting encounter of two mismatched strangers during a bus journey on Christmas Eve_Grenko sladka drama o bežnem srečanju dveh tujcev med avtobusno vožnjo na Božični večer.

sebastian natto_germany_9'_english subtitles
A strange looking man takes Polaroids of strangers in the streets and at home he fills his walls with the pictures_Moški čudnega videza fotografira tujce na ulici, doma pa fotografije lepi na steno.

18:00 do 20:00

Symphony of black and white technique_
Simfonija črne in bele tehnike
damir nemir janeček_bih_2'_no dialogues_experiment
“My opinion is that all things are alive and I deem nothing dead, not even the white goods.”_“Po mojem mnenju so vse stvari žive, nič ni mrtvo, niti bela tehnika.”

liliana resnick_croatia_7'_no dialogues_experiment
Film about the mystery of moments_Film o skrivnosti trenutkov.

My name is Hodžić Safet_Ime mi je Hodžić Safet
rasim karalić_bih_22'_english subtitles_doc
Working day of a miner, despite everything the main character of the movie is still satisfied with his life_Rudarjev delovni dan – kljub težkim pogojem je glavni karakter zadovoljen s svojim življenjem.

irena škorić_croatia_12'_english subtitles_fiction
Father and son are going on a trip in their old Ex – Yugoslav car Zastava 101_Oče in sin se odpravita na izlet s stoenko.

nina vareško_matilda m. Dobro_tanja vuzem_sašo petan_slovenia_17'_english subtitles_doc
Film about four people named Marko, which beside name, share also experiences of living on the street _Film nam predstavi svet štirih Markov, ki jim je poleg istega imena skupno tudi življenje na cesti.

The Age Of Virginity_Doba nedolžnosti
danilo bećković_serbia_9'_english subtitles_fiction
Clumsy immature boy Sveta comes to the Clinic for Loosing Virginity_Nerodni in nezreli fant Sveta se zglasi na kliniki za izgubo nedolžnosti.

Landscape of the Last Encounter_
Pokrajina poslednjega srečanja
christos massalas_greece_12'_no dialogues_fiction
On a hot summer day, a woman is caught between factual and psychological reality_Ženska, ujeta med dejansko in psihološko realnostjo.

The Grandma’s Village_Babičina vas
dragana zarevska_macedonia_18'_english sub_doc
A poem devoted to few grannies that are left alone in the village Babino_Poetični film posvečen babicam, ki same živijo v vasi Babino.

spored 25. marec

12:00 do 14:00

Up and Down_Vzponi in padci
toomas järvet_spain_26'_english subtitles
Three people from Barcelona who struggle in between the things they want to do and the things they have to do_Zgodba o treh ljudeh iz Barcelone, razpetih med tem, kar si želijo in kar morajo delati.

Fetish Photography; Questions Answered_
Fetiš fotografija: odgovori na vprašanja
suzana zalokar_ireland_5'_english dialogues
Documentary about Irish photographer Hector Heathwood and his models_Kako irski fotograf Hector Heathwood in njegovi modeli dojemajo fetišno fotografijo.

Peggy, Denis, Lauviah_Peggy, Denis, Lauviah
carlo guillermo proto_canada_15'_english dialogues
A Super 8 mm camera is given to a blind family of three_Tričlanska slepa družina dobi v roke Super 8 mm kamero.

Glòries (Nobody’s Land)_Glòries (Nikogaršnja zemlja)
jaime quinto_spain_25'_english subtitles
In every contemporary metropolis there are vague places, condemned to oblivion_V vsaki sodobni metropoli obstajajo prostori obsojeni na pozabo.

Apple & Ei_Apple & Ei
ahmet tas_germany_6'_english subtitles
In Berlin, four times a week, eight hours a day, Turkish emigrants sing for...V Berlinu štirikrat tedensko, 8 ur dnevno turški emigranti kličejo...

Red Sands_Rdeči pesek
david procter_uk_25'_english subtitles
Bullfighting endures the stigma of animal cruelty yet also holds the grace and elegance of tradition_Bikoborba nosi stigmo živalske krutosti ter hkrati dražest in eleganco tradicije.

Cobra G8_Cobra G8
cobra g_cobra t_portugal_germany_english subtitles
An anonymous cobra man searches the traces of a political revolution amidst the masses of people present at the G8 summit in Heiligendamm_Anonimni moški išče sledi politične revolucije med množico ljudi na vrhu G8 v Heiligendammu.

14:00 do 16:00

aleš jána_czech republic_7'_no dialogues
In a house lives a man who every morning battles with the demon of alcohol_V hiši živi moški, ki se vsako jutro bojujeje z demonom v obliki alkohola.

Poor Souls_Uboge duše
lynn gerlach_switzerland_5'_no dialogues
Saga about a young shepherd who leads his sheep towards a cottage in the middle of nowhere in the Alps_Saga o mladem pastirju, ki vodi svoje ovce v alpsko kočo sredi ničesar.

daniel zwimpfer_switzerland_4'_no dialogues
A story about a man with a too big nose_Zgodba o moškem s prevelikim nosom.

zsuzsanna paal_hungary_3'_english subtitles
A continuous circle and cyclical repetition affecting also human lif_Nenehno kroženje ter ciklično ponavljanje vplivata na človeško življenje.

kevin richards_uk_4'_no dialogues
A hand - drawn animated film explores the co – dependent nature of relationships_Risani animirani film raziskuje soodvisno naravo odnosov.

Wherever you go there you are_Kamor greš, tam si
sara barbas_portugal_uk_2'_no dialogues
A little girl, a woman and an old lady are all in constant movement_Deklica, ženska in starejša gospa v nenehnem gibanju.

I would like to talk_Rad bi klepetal
rozi bekes_hungary_5'_no dialogue
Objects tell human stories, while the swing is on_Predmeti ob swingu pripovedujejo človeške zgodbe.

Still Life_Nepremično življenje
eva korda_hungary_6'_no dialogues
From the stillness of the universe through the mosaic – like life to the eternal still life_Od tišine vesolja, skozi mozaik življenja, do večnosti.

maria bjorklund_finland_2'_no dialogues
As seasons change, so do you_Spreminjamo se kot letni časi.

mehrdad sheikhan_iran_10'_no dialogues
A stone colossus has lived a lonely life on his barren planet for thousands of years_Orjaški kamen je tisoče let osamljen živel na pustem planetu.

diek grobler_south africa_7'_no dialogues
A tale about a tea – girl_Zgodba o pomočnici, ki servira čaj.

denizcan yüzgül_czech republic_5’_no dialogues
One simple family in the 21st century which still thinks that fish live in aquarium_Zgodba o preprosti družini iz 21. stoletja, ki še vedno misli, da ribe živijo v akvariju.

Zlin Soup_Zlinska juha
akila nazli kaya_czech republic_8'_no dialogues
Why the Czech town Zlin is so strange?_Zakaj je češko mesto Zlin tako čudno?

The Painter of Skies_Slikar neba
jorge morais valle_portugal_25'_english subtitles
A crazy painter tries to find a solution against perpetual storms_Nori slikar poskuša najti rešitev za večne nevihte.

daniel stanchev_czech republic_6'_no dialogues
Shitcats everywhere – that will kill us sometime!_Povsod Shitcat - nekoč nas bo ugnobil!

Little tale of us_Naša zgodbica
amene eslami_iran_6'_no dialogues
A man who tries to ignore his inner child by hiding it in a bottle_Moški poskuša ignorirati otroka v sebi tako, da ga skrije v steklenico.

16:00 do 18:00

Ruby Wedding_Rubinasta poroka
andrzej mankowski_poland_40'_english subtitles
Contemporary comedy about Anka, her husband Mundek, and neighbouring pensioner Kazimierz_Sodobna komedija o Anki, njenem možu Mundeku, in upokojenemu sosedu Kazimierzu.

Greedy as a Pig_Pohlepen kot prašič
ismael nava alejos_mexico_10'_english subtitles
Guns, scams, money, two kids and a twisted butcher woman_Pištole, prevare, denar, dva otroka in pretkana mesarica.

9 Hours Without Sleep_9 ur brez spanca
nastia palchikova_russia_23'_english subtitles
How do contemporary people catch up their solitude?_ Kako se sodobni ljudje soočajo z osamljenostjo?

christoph rainer_austria_5'_no dialogues
A male silhouette tries to light this world for one moment of beauty_Moška silhueta poskuša razsvetliti svet v trenutku lepote.

Where is Estel?_Kje je Estel?
jared katsiane_usa_3'_english dialogues
Yesterday Estel joined the JROTC youth military program_Včeraj se je Estel pridružila mladinskemu vojaškemu programu.

simon j. riley_uk_11'_english dialogues
Jack, a sales rep, witnesses the kidnapping of a female jogger_Jack, prodajni menedžer, je priča ugrabitvi ženske, ki se rekreira s tekom.

Fading Away_Fading Away
fabian giessler_germany_13'_english subtitles
Martha and Herbert have been married for decades_Martha in Herbert sta poročena desetletja.

A Glass of Water_Kozarec vode
adriana n. yurcovich_argentina_10'_english subtitles
An aging women drinks a cup of tea in her apartment, an adolescent grabs a woman’s bag in the nearby street _Starejša ženska poseda ob skodelici čaja, v sosednji ulici deček ukrade torbico.

18:00 do 20:00

vasilis siafakas_greece_12'_no dialogues_experiment
A man is trying to survive, without realizing that he constantly balances on a thin line_Moški skuša preživeti, ne da bi se zavedal, da se nenehno giblje po tanki črti.

Vae Soli_Vae Soli
neva ivanec_filip rožić_croatia_2'_animation
A story about mine fields told through memories of a man sitting on a destroyed planet_Zgodba o minskih poljih kot jo pripoveduje moški na uničenem planetu.

The Clock_Ura
david sipoš_slovenia_10'_english subtitles_fiction
Story about a father and a son based on a short story of Slovenian writer Edo Torkar_Zgodba o očetu in sinu osnovana na kratki zgodbi Edija Torkarja.

Cubbiculum Vitae_Cubbiculum Vitae
rastko kukić_serbia_7'_no dialogues_animation
Growing up process of every human being_Odraščanje.

Fatal Greed_Wolfov posel
martin marzidovšek_slovenia_11'_english sub_fiction
Retired director is giving black credits and multiplying his property_Nekdanji upokojeni direktor občasno »na črno« posoja denar in veča svoje bogastvo.

Beware of bear_Pazi se medveda
victoria vellopoulou_greece_20'_english sub_fiction
Angelos, photographer for a nature magazine, arrives in a remote village_Fotograf Angelos prispe v odmaknjeno vasico v Epirju.

Food Chain_Prehranjevalna veriga
miha šubic_slovenia_3'_no dialogues_animation
On the top of the food chain there are only the strongest and the biggest. Or are they?_So na vrhu prehranjevalne verige res le najmočnejši?

You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours_
Ti meni, jaz tebi
irena škorić_croatia_29'_english sunbtitles_doc
Have you ever asked yourself what lies behind classified ads in the newspapers?_Ste se kdaj vprašali, kaj se skriva za časopisnimi malimi oglasi?